Wednesday, August 15, 2012


August 15th, 2012

There are times when you've just got  SCREAM!  Luckily, we seem to be continually surrounded by family and friends, which hasn't allowed me to get too 'out of control' before I regret it.  Monday was one of those days.

Having not heard from the Rochester Mayo clinic in about ten days, we called early Monday morning to get an update as to our position there.  A voice on the other end told us (in the sweetest way) that the release forms they had requested from us 10 days earlier arrived, but (didn't we know?) they were supposed to go to OUR doctors first, then to the Mayo!  "Oh", she replies, "didn't we send you an email about that"?  Oops - NO!,   "Mr. Rich", (she sweetly continues) "after you do send the forms to your other physicians and then we receive them, the earliest we could review you for our study would be next year - MAYBE MARCH!"  I, (not so sweetly reply)"WHAT!  This is the MAYO CLINIC for heavens sake"!  "We were told that we would be called in August and considered for their study in September".  Except WOOPS, you forgot to tell us that you've already begun the first trial!"  (Apparently there were plenty of others in line to be considered, but this wasn't IMPORTANT for us to know)!   I am hearing my words all over again in my head as I write:  "YOU PEOPLE HAVE VERY POOR COMMUNICATION SKILLS FOR THE MAYO CLINIC".  As we continued our conference call with her, Jim, of course was keeping his cool and I was NOT!  (Me - again)  "The very least you could do was inform us of the mistake we made with the release forms so we could regroup!  (I must now leave the room and do a 'silent' SCREAM (because others are close by)and let Jim finish up!

In retrospect:
The Sunday evening before, Jim and I were both given priesthood blessings by our sons that we would be able to make a decision about the trial in Rochester.  So, dear readers, perhaps our prayers have been answered for us, as we feel 'waiting' further for the Mayo Clinic would not be prudent!   

For several days we have been communicating with a doctor (naturaopathic) in Medford Oregon who has taken a real interest in Jim.  We've sent him all our medical records to review.  He is one of the founders of World Stem Cell LLC with connections to a stem cell clinic in Cancun, Mexico.  We're now investigating the possibility and value of a procedure there.  If it is to be, it will be!  We feel strongly that we are being watched over and directed by a higher power.  We also know, however, that time is of the essence and so we're not going to WAIT too long for this opportunity -  if we feel it is the right thing to do!

Luckily, Jim is hanging in there; still using a walker but with more effort.  We seem to be seeing someone new each day in preparation for anything to come.  Luckily, we have our Bear Lake home to retreat to for time away from all the pressures of countless decisions to be made.  Luckily we' been 'Richly' blessed  (as you see pictured above) with a beautiful family, each who raise our spirits and remind us each day, of the blessings and rewards of our eternal marriage.  So, we're MOVING ON, and hope that you will continue to 'press forward' with us!  

1 comment:

John Hubby said...

I think about you a lot Jim. Hang in there!
Best wishes for you and your family.
I heard during the Olympics that the body is mechanical with mechanical limits, but that somehow the human spirit can push the body past those barriers.
During the car ride to Kellogg's I spent with you I can tell that you know this is true.
Hang in there Jim. You can do this.

John Sundwall