Saturday, July 14, 2012


For the last two years my little readers theater troupe has been performing a program called
'ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE'!  Had I realized I'd have to be putting what I wrote into 'real life' practice - I think I would have paid better attention to the 'plot'!  I did the 'TALK' but the 'WALK' has been quite a different story!  As it turns out, it appears that Jim has been the one who has been leading us all in the 'songs' and taking the high and 'positive' road!  This is unusual and exemplary, because as of this date, his ability to perform routine tasks on his own seem to diminish daily.  The right arm is now on the same course as the left.  He can still pick up a utensil to eat but with difficulty.  He has to use a walker to get around and keep his balance and, due to the muscle loss everywhere, he is usually in pain - day and night!  That seems to be the meanest thing about this disease.  You loose your motor functions but not your sensory functions.  In other words, you become immobile but can still feel everything.

We attended our first ALS clinic at the U this past Wednesday.  It was five hours of visits with specialists from physical therapy, speech therapy (not needed, gratefully) a dietitian, a nurse, a pulmonary specialist, two different neurologists to an ambulatory specialist.  It's pretty humbling (and frightening) to hear all that may be ahead for us but at the same time, helpful!  The one GOOD thing is that Jim's pulmonary and diaphragm capacity is still very high -which is indeed - GOOD!

As most of you know, we also had another stroke of LUCK (let's say a BLESSING) this past week.  A doctor who does stem cell therapy in Florida and whom Jim has been in contact with on and off, called to say she knew of a stem cell study for ALS beginning soon at the Rochester Mayo Clinic.  Because we were in on the 'first word' (and possibly because we had recently been seen at the Mayo clinic in Scottsdale), Jim is now being reviewed as a possible candidate for this study.  We know that it involves taking stem cells (probably from fatty tissue in his body) and re-implanting them in his spine.  It is not risky and shouldn't be painful - but may involved living in Rochester for a month while he is being checked.  Minnesota can't be a bad place to be in August or September, right?  We're not sure what to expect as an outcome, but have heard that some positive results have been measured doing this procedure!  We know that many of you will be fasting with us this coming Sunday, July 15th as well as keeping us in your prayers.  We are hopeful that we can take part in this study and perhaps help lay a foundation for a cure for this terrible disease (not to mention giving some help and hope to Jim)
We are so GRATEFUL for wonderful family and friends.  We need you in our lives to help us continue to ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE!  "No one can sidestep difficult times, but we can choose how we'll respond.  In this response lies our growth and freedom.  We aren't guaranteed success by being positive, but we're sure headed in a better direction when we are!"

Blessings and love,

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