Thursday, December 6, 2012

'CELEBRATING' the Season

I've missed a few weeks but it's December and we've been busy!  We've decorated the 'worst looking' Christmas tree ever (according to our daughter, Marianne), decked the halls with the old tried and true decorations and set about filling our calendar with things that will bring a smile to our faces and our minds off our troubles as we usher in the 'Most Wonderful Time of the Year'!  

We began the first day of December with the Patterson family's annual 'Aunties Breakfast with Santa' at the Sonnenberg's (Santa and the chillins' featured below) and followed up with an adult Patterson cousins party the following night in our home (my fabulous siblings pictured below).  We joined with our East High study group friends for a dinner at Little America and still - there's already more!
 Sadly, the annual ward neighborhood Christmas party is the same night as Jim's office party and so we've had to make the difficult decision as to which direction to go.  Since it's been a tradition for years for Jim to play his 'saw' at the Dennis Group office party at the Canyons resort, he felt the need to purchase a (not so musical) saw at Home Depot and retire it (along with a violin bow) to some lucky employee at the party so that the tradition can be carried on!   We already miss Jim's amazing 'sawing' talent!

Jim's brother Dan also came a 'caroling' (well, just visiting with his family) from California this past weekend and so those handsome Rich brothers (pictured below), along with sisters Mary Ellen and Ann (sadly not pictured), decided to give Jim a 'fix-it' day, tying up many little odds and ends jobs that have been on his 'to do' list!   Jim enjoyed directing operations and making sure things were done with 'engineer' proficiency!  (Many thanks to a swell bunch of Rich 'sibs)'.  Also, in the spirit of 'celebration'  and to show you just what a great guy I married,  I just had to throw in the picture of three of our grand daughters dressing Jim up on one of our recent Sunday open house 'dessert' nights!  It was a preseason opener for what is upon us - a sacred season and a merry one, full of HOPE as never before!

Jim is looking "GREAT" (at least that's what everyone says and he hardly knows how to respond).  Since ALS is considered a 'condition' rather than a 'disease', I suppose he is in pretty good health if it weren't for those blasted motor neurons!  He continues to spend his days in the wheelchair and nights in one position in bed and that is NOT so GREAT!  But his attitude is mostly upbeat as we both try to keep each others spirits in tact.   And yes, we do recognize  'positives' in all of this!  Like getting to spend time just talking together in bed in the mornings.  Having friends drop in for visits! (see below) and since we seem to be teamed together all day, getting to 're- appreciate' each other and remember why we fell in love years ago.

Well,  I'm re-reading this and want to make it clear - I'm NO 'POLLYANNA' -  I'm just 'trying'!  We're all just TRYING trough these 'trying' days!  Truthfully, Jim and I recognize that we've have had a pretty amazing life!  We have come to realize that THERE IS A PLAN  for us and that WE ARE LOVED, despite this most difficult of challenges.  There is a little sign on the wall above our slide down into the basement; a quote by Christopher Robyn himself.  
  I believe our Father in Heaven knows this about us but sent us here to discover it for ourselves.
And so, we will 'celebrate' this season and every season with renewed faith in not only our Savior, but in ourselves!

The handsome Rich Brothers - Dan, Paul, Mike and Jim
Breakfast with Santa with Patterson Clan

Dressing up with Poppy
Joanne's siblings at Patterson cousins Christmas party
Friends (Steve Warner and Ron Larkin) dropping by

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Corbin practices his reading with Poppy
Olivia feeds Poppy lunch
You've gotta love every little bit of help you can get...and for Poppy these days, even 'LITTLE hands make light work'It is a great blessing to have most of our grandchildren close by!   The hugs, hand-colored pictures, happy thoughts and soulful prayers offered by each one of our young ones are so precious and valuable in our lives!  We feel blessed especially right now, to have our son Pat, daughter-in-law Anna Lisa and their 18 month old daughter Amelia living with us while they house huntPat and Anna have been amazing help and fun company for Jim and me and Amelia (Millie) has been pure JOY!

Jim continues to be either in bed or in his 'wheel-mobile' and so takes advantage of all these 'small wonders' about him (and we will add one more in the next couple of weeks)!  His general condition as of this date is that he cannot use his arms or legs (the right hand still can maneuver his wheelchair, however) and his diaphragm is still being assisted during most of the day by the sip and puff air pressurization machine.  At night he sleeps quite well with a bi-pap machine which has two pressure setting for inhale and exhale.  This hasn't been a big adjustment since he's slept with a c-pap machine for over two years now!  We take wheel-mobile walks when the weather permits and go on 'van' outings usually daily to get out of the house.  He also really enjoys short visits from friends and family as often as time permits.

Recently, Jim and I have been listening to a book on tape by Toni Sorenson called 'The Master'.  It's a tale of Christs life told by a young man who is 'fictionally' adopted into Joseph and Mary's family and is at Jesus' side through his ministry.  We just finished the chapter where Christ calms the raging sea.  His constant reminder throughout the book - to his apostles and all whom he comes in contact with is 'FEAR NOT'! 

The other morning as we were doing our 'routine' to get us and up and going, Jim said he had the song 'Master The Tempest Is Raging' going on in his head.  Whoa....two souls but with one brain!  It was, at that exact moment, spinning around in my head too!  Now
I've never been a big fan of 'routine'!  I like my life mixed up with all sorts of people, places and events!  But as we were doing our morning rituals (song sill humming in my wee brain), I thought... yes, I liked 'this' routine.  I like knowing we are doing all that we can right now....not running and trying to move mountainsWe're working together and being like real 'partners' and it feels...well, right!  Just like the words...'Peace be still' at the songs end, our 'routine' has become a peaceful comfort.   Another 'small wonder' in this journey!

So 'fear not', all who visit here and have a 'wonder'-ful and 'peaceful' Thanksgiving!

November 'Dennis Group' Gathering

Getting Jim's advice!
Last week, Jim's company had a gathering at their (nearly) new home on Market Street to visit with Jim.  The Salt Lake extension of the company has grown from Jims start over 13 years ago, from 11 to 55, and when Jim left this past June, Tom Dennis said they had lost one of their 'anchors'!  It was really a nice evening, complete with catered Sugarhouse BBQ and a good number of the group in attendance (rare, as this is a mostly traveling troupe)!  Jim hasn't missed all the 'traveling and long hours', but has truly missed the 'engineering work' in general and most especially his fellow 'comrades' and their interactions with each other. Many of the group have visited Jim at home or call to ask him questions about a specific job; a real compliment to his abilities.  Mostly, however, Jim just enjoys the chat and really is appreciative of the friendly visits!  Special KUDOS to Oxana Chernucka, office administrator, for her organizing the event right down to the 'gluten-free' details (for Jim)!  We both are grateful for the friendships we've formed with all of you!  Thanks for a wonderful evening.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Faith, Trust and a little bit of Fairy dust' !
We just can't get seem to get enough of Halloween this year Jim's 'Wheel-mobile' (courtesy of Marianne) was a big hit as he trick-or-treated with our little ones!   After the 'headlights' were installed, night travel was made easy and passers by were pretty impressed!
Besides a few photo snippets from our Halloween, we wanted to show off our 'Tree of Life'. Thanks to Jim's sister Mary Ellen, we now have a potted branch full of 'hearts' adorning our front porch.  Every heart is personalized for Jim and me from each member of the Rich and Patterson clan.  Quite a wonder to behold and something that will remain at the entrance to our home 'Er the winter storms begin! 
With not much new to report with Jim, we've sailed into November with early 'thanksgiving' for our blessings.  Once again dear friends and family have offered their love and support in countless ways; housecleaning, paper filing, physical therapy, outings, date nights, dinners, visits, treats, phone calls, cards, sloppy kid kisses, and even shower 'evaluations' (to see how to adapt a new chair to the shower)!  Ah, Jim loves his showers!
And so, as our darling two year old 'Tinkerbell' Olivia chanted while trick or treating:
with.... "Faith, trust and a bit of fairy dust".... we press press forward!
"Faith, Trust and a bit of fairy dust"!
'Hit the road...Jim'
Trade ya a snickers for a kit kat?
Rich Family 'Tree of Life'

Tuesday, October 23, 2012


'Random Sack' costume competition!

Glow-stick Ghost Balloon Scary Storytelling!

 Scavenger Hunt   

'Scary' Witches Brew demo! 

Marianne made Jim's 2012 costume - The 'Wheel'-mobile!

"It' a Mad, Mad, Mad, MAD World"!
or....'Testing, testing, testing!'

October has flown by like a witch on a broom.  And in this scenario, I believe I've been the 'witch'!  Yup - my 'accentuate the positive attitude' flew out the window on the broom with me this past week, as I just decided to be M-A-D!  A review of my 'drama' probably would not serve anyone well, but I hear in good journal keeping, you gotta post the hard with the great!  So - for all of you who may think my attitude is just too 'amazing', this will make you feel better!
It all began with our regular 3 month check up at the University of Utah ALS clinic, where Jim and I received more 'revealing' and 'distressing' news about what was to come with this devastating disease. (Dr. 'Dread' strikes again).  Trigger in place, I began my journey of MADNESS!
First and foremost, I was MAD at this horrible disease for taking up home in a great and worthy guy like Jim.  MAD at anyone who wanted to give me any advice or tell me they knew how I felt (How the heck did they know, anyway)!  MAD at anyone who would asked Jim 'How he was doing!  (How do you THINK he's doing?)  Mad at everyone who was WALKING around acting like life was normal and GREAT!  Mad at those who DO get Miracles!  Mad at couples who were walking hand in hand!  MAD at prayers that seem to have gone unanswered (I know, this is getting REALLY BAD)!  Even Mad at God for allowing anyone to suffer like this!  Yup - I was a perfect 'test case' for the adversary..... who 'a conquering came'!  I just got to the point where I needed to BLAME SOMEONE for this whole sad situation we've found ourselves in.  Well, after over a week of trying my very best, it turns out there just isn't anyone to blame!

Then wonder of wonders - some relief from the 'madness'!  Our son Bob called saying he was coming in from Sacramento as a bit of a surprise, smack dab in the middle of my horrible week, bringing more of our choicest blessings; two year old Duncan, two week old Charlie along with (of course) Mom Sara.  Being the 'gatherer' I am, I immediately threw myself into 'party mode'.  After all, I've missed FUN!  I used to be FUN!  So we ALL gathered last Friday night for a fantastic 'HALLOWEEN-ER'(pictured above)  This 'party' was going to be full of everything I've ever wanted to do at a Halloween party all in one fun-packed evening).  OkI probably pushed the envelope, beginning with a 'witchy' (appropriate for my week) witches brew demonstration and dinner with home-made autumn stew!  We followed that up with sugar cookie frosting, trick or treat scavenger hunting, glow-stick ghosts (making ghosts out of blown up white balloons with glow sticks inserted in them), scary story telling in the dark with the 'glow-stick' balloons, bobbing for hanging donuts, dress up 'sacks' (put together a costume out of what you get in the sack) with awards and a grand finale movie with caramel corn.  Our creative daughter Marianne also designed and built a car to fit over Jim's wheelchair which we named the 'wheel-mobile',Jim's Halloween costume!  It was a 'late-night-er supreme' and I think my grown up children thought maybe I'd lost a screw...or two!  But....the grand-kids had a GREAT TIME and hopefully it will be a new Jim Rich family tradition.  

We all gathered again Sunday afternoon for a hike around Silver Lake at Brighton and a Monday night FHE, complete with all our children gathered as Jim gave me a wonderful blessing of comfort and faith to go forward.  This was followed by our 4 sons and favorite (only) son-in-law giving a 'priesthood-packed' blessing to Jim, offering him hope and courage to sustain him in the coming months.  Words of love for all of his wonderful 'fathering' followed; a happy conclusion to an otherwise miserable week!  If BLESSINGS are MIRACLES, we've had more than our share!

Jim and I also re-read our Patriarchal blessings together last week, with emotions flowing!  Jim's was as uncomplicated as he is.  A perfect and simple explanation of the faithful, valiant person he is!  I paid particular notice to the warning in mine to pray often, that the 'evil one' may not have power over me!  I also paid notice to a blessing that I would have the opportunity to 'hear, in audible tones', the voices of angels.  Surely 'angelic tones' are musical!  This past week (and often before)I've recognized that MUSIC will pop into my head (even out of a deep sleep) as a 'voice' of comfort to me when I am seeking help!  This week it was the 3rd verse of "How Firm A Foundation" (which I woke up thinking of).  We hadn't sung it in church - nor had I thought about it the day before!

"Fear not, I am with thee, oh be not dismayed, For I am thy God and will still give thee aid!  I'll strengthen thee, help thee and cause thee to stand, Upheld by my righteous....omnipotent hand"! 

 So, If you haven't noticed, I'm better!  I don't think anyone knows that life is a TEST until they are... TESTED.  "Hello Joanne; are you listening?  Testing, testing, testing!"


Tuesday, October 9, 2012


When things weren't going quite as we'd planned, My Gandpa McMullin used to say "well, it takes a heap of livin!'" This never made too much sense to me until recently.  Now it seems perfectly clear, as we move daily through our 'heap' in this process of living with ALS!   

Catch up!
At this point, we haven't seen any noticeable positive results from our stem cell therapy in Cancun.  Still, we are every grateful we were able to have the opportunity to go and 'try' something that we might have always wondered about.  We may yet see some leveling off; our great  hope!  Last week it was suggested we try some power-packed vitamin IV's and injections of Clutathione,; a strong antioxidant!

In the meantime Jim is daily using his 'sip and puff' machine when needed, which gives his diaphragm relief during the day.  He is still awaiting the re-do of the wheelchair we were gifted, but in the meantime uses a loaner, being able to operate it with his still somewhat usable right hand.  He is able to stand up and move several steps with the use of a walker, but spends the majority of his days on his shrinking derriere, which is pretty tough since he has now lost nearly 40 pounds.  My efforts to stuff him with calories is challenged by his insistence to stay off wheat and dairy products.  My guess is that Jim was, unlike me, mostly MUSCLE when this disease began, and this is where most of his weight loss has been. 

Jim says he couldn't do without me, which may be true these days.  But I figure I owe him pretty BIG for taking such good care of me for 36 years.  Taking care of ALL the finances, cars, fixing broken things, explaining directions on - well, pretty much everything except recipes, internet tutorials, carrying my suitcase so I wouldn't drag and ruin it, doing things with 'patience' so I didn't ruin them, math with the kids, explaining movie plots (much to his dismay) and a myriad of other little things my wee right brain didn't think possible.  I have truly been the beneficiary of much tender love and calm assurance through the years.  The best thing is that Jim has always shown his affection towards me outwardly, which has been a great example to our children.  This new task of mine is, yes, exhausting!  So I take naps when I can ('a good soldier sleeps when he can' - something my Dad always told me) and try to keep variety and a little 'spice' in our lives.  We were able to go to our family home in St. George this past weekend with our daughter Marianne and her family and it was a good break from the routine.  Truth be told, we have some really bad days and major breakdowns on a regular basis.  But happily and amazingly there always seems to be something to 'lighten the load and brighten the road'!  The kids (and their kids) drop in often to see 'Poppy' and bring treats and always bring plenty of hugs and kisses.  We have been 'Richly' blessed with our family! They all truly add light to our lives these days!  In addition, a friend drops by to visit or a loaf of zucchini bread lands on the porch or a sister (brother, friend, neighbor) lends a hand, giving us a much needed break!  We even have a family schedule for regular physical therapy sessions with Jim!  Again - not BIG miracles, but mini ones!  

Speaking of.....this morning we had a visit from cousin Doug Rich and his darling wife Linda.  They have always been favorite Rich cousins of ours. Recently, on a routine visit to the doctor in preparation for he and Linda to go on a mission, they got the bad news that Doug has terminal prostrate cancer.  Doug has been wanting to visit Jim for some time, but we were particularly blessed that he and Linda choose to visit us now.  As Doug told us of his experiences as a stake patriarch in Provo and feelings of closeness to the veil he has experienced giving blessings over the years, we were amazed and uplifted.  He told us that he is completely at peace with the prospects that lie ahead for him; that he knows that the Lord loves us so much and truly wants the best for each of us.  If something is better for us on the other side than here, He knows and we need to trust that He wants what is best for us!  Doug and Linda's faith was not only inspiring but an answer to our constant prayers, as 'fear' of the unknown road lies ahead for us!   This is uncharted territory and we SO need the faith and strength of each other to carry on.  Under Doug and Linda's circumstances, their visit today was both extraordinary and exemplary.  We send our gratitude, prayers, and special love to them and their family as they also face their heavy new and life changing challenges.  

Yup.....'It surely does take a HEAP of livin'!                             

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The RIches have a 'MEDI-CATION' in CANCUN!

 Coby and Ben came along to help!  We think they enjoyed the 'ride'!

Jim looks great, yes?  And when he's great - I'm great!


 The Cancun Advanced Biocellular Medical Team and...US!

Home From Cancun
(this might take a while)
We began what we've named our 'MEDI-CATION' to Cancun on Sunday, September 16th!  We were greeted at the Cancun Airport by our new friend Rudy, the medical coordinator for the Advanced Biocellular Clinic in Cancun.  From there we were transported directly to the Iberostar Pariso Beach Resort on the Mayan Riviera - our home for the week.  MONDAY morning Oscar, our driver, picked us up for our first appointment at the Clinic, where we were met by Dr. Alan Kadish from Oregon (President of World Stem Cells, LLC) Tony a biochemist, Jose, an associate MD and of course Rudy.  The clinic was quite small, consisting of an office, an exam room and a lab; all very clean and new.  After Jim's initial exam and blood work up, we were given the agenda for the week, signed papers and were back at the resort for the afternoon.  TUESDAY morning, back at the clinic, Jim was given injections of a drug called 'Filgrastram' to stimulate white blood cell production; something which apparently helps the stem cells!  After just a couple of hours we were again, back at the resort.  WEDNESDAY we were taken back to the clinic (this is about a 25 minute drive both ways) where we met Dr. Obleitt, the Oncologist.  While the boys and I waited, Dr. Obleitt gave Jim a local anesthetic in his hip and extracted stem cells from his bone marrow.  (This sounds intense, but Jim said it was just more of a weird sucking sensation; uncomfortable but not painful).  With the lab right in the clinic, the biochemist Tony prepared the stem cells for separation by spinning out the bone marrow! (this is my un-techy explanation)  From the clinic we drove a few blocks to a hospital (older but still very 'better housekeeping clean'), where an anesthesiologist did Jim's lumbar puncture and injected the stem cells. (also with just a local anesthetic)  Since you can apparently only take out so much spinal fluid out at a time, only a minute number of the stem cells were injected directly back into the spinal column and the remainder were given to him through an IV in his arm.  They were very pleased with the number of stem cells (750 million per cubic centimeter) that they were able to obtain from the extraction.  It was thrilling for me to be able to see these tiny cells in an enlarged picture.  Our bodies are truly amazing and complex systems; way too miraculous to be a random happenstance.  The whole procedure took less than three hours and after Jim spent a little time in recovery, we were again, on our way back to the resort.  THURSDAY consisted of a visit with a physical therapist who gave us some exercises for Jim's limbs as well as some for better breathing.  After a final visit on FRIDAY with Dr. Kadish and his team to make sure Jim was doing well enough to leave, we were taken to the airport and on our way back home.

DETAILS: (that make a story come alive)
In retrospect, we are grateful to have had this opportunity and, although we know that in Jim's present condition, the chances for positive results are small, we feel strongly that we made the right decision in going forward.  We were told not to anticipate results; to "just let then 'happen" but to observe anything that might indicate positive changes.  We appreciated the enthusiasm of Dr. Kadish and his team that the procedure would indeed, produce some.  Dr. Kadish was also very good at keeping in touch each night while we were in Cancun and I'm sure will continue to stay in close contact over the next several months. 
The day after the procedure, the boys and I noticed that Jim's voice was stronger (it has become a bit raspy and quiet).  However, Jim did get a pretty terrific spinal headache which stayed with him until we left Friday, leaving him feeling less than spunky.  

WHAT DID WE DO WITH ALL THAT TIME IN BETWEEN?  Well, at an 'all inclusive' resort there is always 'food'....and we did partake.  There was also a lot of wonderful sunshine and the warm Caribbean provided a most therapeutic atmosphere.  The boys and I were even able to get Jim into the pool.  At first it was a bit claustrophobic for him but we figured out a way (minus the life jacket) to do some exercises and enjoy a relaxing float.   Our sons were completely indispensable to the whole adventure.  Coby took over the roll of organizer, putting our hotel and flight reservations together in a couple of days.  He also played 'Jim', bringing order without panic to our daily routine.  He knows where to go and what to do and we were completely at ease knowing he would make sure everything went without a hitch.    Ben, although also a very capable companion and caretaker, played the roll of our 'comic relief', keeping us entertained, laughing and enjoying the moment.  Both he and Coby were right there to help transport Jim from wheelchair to van to chair to pool to bathroom to do whatever necessary to make things more comfortable for both of us.  Their help at night was a complete life saver.  Being without our auto-bed (with the head and foot lifts), they each took turns being with me for all the 'ups and downs' that transpire during the night.  I truly couldn't have managed any of this without them.  Besides that, I know they really enjoyed being able to help Jim and I and to be with each other for a few days.  Any of our children would have done the same, but we feel blessed that Coby and Ben were able to take this time from work and family life. Thank you to our sweet daughters-in-law who encouraged them to go.  We are truly blessed with a beautiful family!

After a long and stressful evening of air travel, we arrived home at midnight Friday and were only in bed a few hours before Jim was awakened with a bout of pretty intense diarrhea.  This has definitely set us back a little bit, as it really took the wind out of some pretty worn sails.   Sunday was pretty much a down day, but as of Monday he was feeling mostly better and as of today, his voice again, seems stronger!  However we've been concerned that recently he has been experiencing some shortness of breath, indicating a weakening of the diaphragm;  a part of this horrible disease that we have been dreading.  This has been coming on for a few weeks, but with a weakened system, seems to have been enhanced since the trip.  Having not been seen at the neurology clinic at the U of U for a few months, I called the nurse there Monday who recommended a respiratory therapist to us.  Darrin (the therapist) immediately responded and came to our home last night, introducing us to a 'sip and puff' machine that has helped many ALS patients from eventually going to a ventilator or from having the dreaded tracheotomy.  It consists of a tube attached to an air pressurized  unit that you can just 'sip and puff' air from whenever you feel you need to expand your lungs.  It it not something that you are 'hooked up' to;  just used as a 'relief' mechanism for getting better and fuller breaths.  Jim has used a C-pap machine at night for several years now, but this machine also doubles as a Bi-pap at night and could help give him a more relaxed and better sleep.  We're playing with it for a few days, hoping that it becomes a 'natural' device to use.

This brings us to Tuesday, September 25th, a new day (which every day has to be)!  We remain ever hopeful that the stem cell therapy will bring about some positive changes.  Dr. Kadish indicated that even little changes could eventually help get us into a 'holding mode', something that we would love to experience.  As we were cautioned, "don't anticipate - just let it happen".!  So it would be best not to 'ask' if anything has!  Believe me, WE WILL LET YOU KNOW!  The results could come anytime between now and three months down the road. We would LOVE ANY TIME....down the road!  
In the meantime, the 'melt-downs' happen and the reality is that our faith has to be in the Lord and His plan for us. We have had so many wonderful  blessings come to us through your love and generosity.  A new 'raised' toilet installed recently by dear friends!  Jim's sisters who had the Rich family design individual wooden hearts to to hang from a tree which greeted us upon our arrival home.  (The sentiments were so tender I couldn't even read them aloud to Jim!  It still adorns our front porch and we call it our 'Tree Of Life')!   Friends who show up with pre-made concrete steps for your garden garage entrance!  Neighbors who send yard workers to do the lawn, sisters who send cleaning ladies for the house, family members to help with physical therapy.  Daughters-in-law (and daughter) who bring in dinner weekly, sons ready and willing to drop everything to assist when needs arise!  Friends who remember we need to .... have fun and get out!  Treats left on the porch, grand children's chalk 'get well drawings' on the driveway!  Handmade cards from our family's little ones!  Our names being constantly added by so many of you to the Temple prayer rolls, prayers and more prayers.... and it goes on!  Bless-ed EVERYONE who literally lift us and help to lighten our burden!  How could we manage without each other.  

Faith, hope and charity; they take on new meaning through our trials.  

Saturday, September 15, 2012

There are 'RICHES' to be found in CANCUN!

Cancun with our children and their spouces
November 2011
Cancun and Stem Cell Therapy

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us"
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Well, we're off to Cancun tomorrow, September 16th.  We've considered doing stem cell therapy for several months.  There have been some who discouraged us and other opportunities where the timing was not right.  We seem to be at a crossroads with this disease where there are not a lot of options for the therapy that we've hoped would finally benefit Jim.  With the encouragement of a doctor in Oregon and much prayerful consideration, we are forging ahead with all the faith we can muster (along with all of yours). 
Our one week in Mexico will consist of a couple of pre-clinic visits, a one day 'procedure' where stem cells will be removed from Jim's bone marrow and re-injected into his spinal column, then a few more days to be observed and to heal.  We haven't been promised any amazing results, only that these new stem cells may stave off more muscle degeneration - even for a time!  This is our hope - our constant prayer - that Jim will have a 'leveling off' period to enjoy more (and better) days ahead.
Our oldest sons, Coby and Ben, are both leaving families and work behind to go with us.  They will offer not only strong arms but moral support (and humor) that will keep us sane.  We're so grateful for the faith, support and love of our children, our extended family and so many of you.  Happily, we will be traveling where we've been so many times before with our family and staying at a familiar resort on the beautiful blue Caribbean.  We are so grateful to be able to have this opportunity and feel that the time is right and the powers of heaven will be with us. 
The procedure will be on Wednesday, September 19th.  Our extended family will be having a fast on Jim's behalf that day.  If any of you would like to join us, we would welcome your added faith and prayers, as we always do. 

 "A bend in the road isn't the end of the road"!

Friday, September 7, 2012

'Mini'-miracles, 'Mini' ways"

This past week has been rewarding in 'mini' ways!  There always seems to be something more to do as we wander through our list of necessities 
Last week, on route to Home Depot to purchase hand support bars for our shower, we stopped off at Zupas for a little lunch.  With our new van, we're now more able to haul a wheelchair, which seems to be the easiest way for Jim to get around lately (though he can still use a walker somewhat).  After unloading the chair and getting Jim 'set', we began to make our way to the door to maneuver us into the restaurant.  Out of the corner of my eye, I was relieved to see a woman hopping up to help hold the door open. As she approached, to my happy surprise, it was my childhood friend, Ann Adams Bradshaw!  We see each other seldom, but she is one who has been keeping in touch via email over the past months since Jim's diagnosis.  The one table that was available was next to theirs, so we sat and began our delightful 'catch up' visit!  Dee, her husband, a retired banker, said he'd fast become a handyman (mostly due to the recent remodel of their home), and after hearing what we were off to do, volunteered to purchase and install the shower bars for us!
Wow - the tears flow quite freely these days, as timing with so many things appears to be in the capable hands of 'someone' else!  Dee and Ann - you are 'mini-miracle makers!  Our love and THANKS for your thoughtfulness and friendship!
You'll recall, last week we had been 'gifted' the motorized wheelchair by happenstance, just as we brought home our new handicap accessible van. Again - 'mini-miracle'!
the completion of the wheelchair ramp in the garage, we surmised there was no more room for our beloved 1998 'super-charged red Suburban (the 'super-charge' was, I believe, Jim's midlife crisis effort)!  It has taken us on so many wonderful family adventures, that we've just hung onto it, though it has recently only become a 'moving' vehicle for our children.  Jim and I also feel it (the Suburban) literally saved our lives once when our son Coby fell asleep at the wheel on route to Lake Powell and we went 'off road-ing' for a dangerous distance!  (Having four future missionaries in the car didn't hurt our chances for survival either)!  So Jim, not wanting to sell it without making sure it was in prime shape, sent it in to the fix-up garage!  When we called this week to see if it was ready, our friend Rex (of Rex's automotive) had his nephew in the shop who just happened to be in need of a 9 seat-er suburban and was ready to buy.  Presto, the suburban is sold without any effort!  A 'mini-miracle'!
In addition to all these 'mini-moments', I feel a quick 'shout out' of thanks is in order to some other 'mini-miracle makers'!  To some of Jim's friends who have taken time to visit or taken him on outings, I hope you know how much this has meant to him!  Ron Larkin, what an amazing example of friendship you continue to be.  Rick, Doug (study group guys), our beloved oldest and dearest friends (you know who you are), home teachers Paul and Stan, our wonderful ward family and most especially our fabulous family members who give so generously of their love and time....our hearts are 'brim full' of gratitude for your offerings!
To Jim's office of engineers at The Dennis Group, who hosted a 'post retirement' dinner' for us last night at PF Changs, we were so overwhelmed with your many kind words on Jim's behalf.  Jim was been with this company for 13 years before he retired early this past June.  He made and cultivated many friendships there and throughout his travels; ones that he'll forever cherish.  Hearing what was said about him, I realize he not only made his career 'mark' there,  but was exemplary as a friend and mentor!  Thank you so much!  We were deeply touched and will never forget you all! (By the by, Jim is willing and ready to accept 'consultation calls' anytime)!  He actually lives for phone calls!!!  His 'blue tooth ear piece is now a permanent part of his daily attire. SO CALL!!!!!  
 Mini miracles ...  MANY thanks!!!                        

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


This is our new Toyota Sienna Conversion Van
Should be pictured with recent post entitled
'Equipped for....whatever!
(I might be getting 'blogged' down by all these blogs today)!

BEHIND AGAIN - Tyson James Rich - 7-23-12

Try as I might to post him upright for best viewing, our darling newborn grandson, Tyson James Rich ended up on his side (a good side, yes?)  He is the second child of our darling daughter, Marianne and our favorite son-in-law, Lance Welch!  Number 11 with two more grandsons due this fall!  Lucky us!!!


To all our wonderful family members and neighbors who helped on our 'super Saturday ramp and yard' project, my sincere apologies for 'past posting' this.  It will not soon be forgotten - the hot August morning you all spent helping us build a wheelchair ramp for Jim and spruce up our yard.  Just wanted to know your efforts will forever be etched in our hearts.