Thursday, November 15, 2012

Last week, Jim's company had a gathering at their (nearly) new home on Market Street to visit with Jim.  The Salt Lake extension of the company has grown from Jims start over 13 years ago, from 11 to 55, and when Jim left this past June, Tom Dennis said they had lost one of their 'anchors'!  It was really a nice evening, complete with catered Sugarhouse BBQ and a good number of the group in attendance (rare, as this is a mostly traveling troupe)!  Jim hasn't missed all the 'traveling and long hours', but has truly missed the 'engineering work' in general and most especially his fellow 'comrades' and their interactions with each other. Many of the group have visited Jim at home or call to ask him questions about a specific job; a real compliment to his abilities.  Mostly, however, Jim just enjoys the chat and really is appreciative of the friendly visits!  Special KUDOS to Oxana Chernucka, office administrator, for her organizing the event right down to the 'gluten-free' details (for Jim)!  We both are grateful for the friendships we've formed with all of you!  Thanks for a wonderful evening.

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